ane_s_thesia wrote in naruto_choice Jun 30, 2007 22:04
author: ane s. thesia, cat: best crack pairing: main: 2007, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, author: ane_s_thesia, underneath it all, cat: most original: main: 2007, romance: main: 2007
ane_s_thesia wrote in naruto_choice Jun 30, 2007 16:49
author: minnionette, saving grace, cat: other: main: 2007, cat: best multi-part: main: 2007, cat: drama: main: 2007, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, cat: most original: main: 2007, author: minni
shafted_artist wrote in naruto_choice Jun 28, 2007 22:29
cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, serenphoria, title: for he who grants me life
mymonkeypjs wrote in naruto_choice Jun 17, 2007 03:37
cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, tuyamino, rozekage, cat: other: main: 2007, cat: most original: main: 2007, title: my first and last words to you
shafted_artist wrote in naruto_choice Jun 07, 2007 16:15
cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, author: mylilchickadee, simple things
superduperotaku wrote in naruto_choice Jun 07, 2007 08:27
cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, serenanna, title: coming clean, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007
ane_s_thesia wrote in naruto_choice Jun 06, 2007 00:23
cat: best crack pairing: main: 2007, cat: best multi-part: main: 2007, shizune_senpai, cat: drama: main: 2007, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, respect and understanding, romance: main: 2007, ronsmyhero
shafted_artist wrote in naruto_choice Jun 05, 2007 01:19
cat: best surprise: main: 2007, author: ayatsuji, author: kuroikisei, cat: best ending: main: 2007, cat: angst: main: 2007, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, the world
riza wrote in naruto_choice Jun 05, 2007 00:13
author: incandescence, cat: best smex scene: main: 2007, cat: best crack pairing: main: 2007, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, cat: other: main: 2007, title: breathless
shafted_artist wrote in naruto_choice May 22, 2007 18:18
cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, rabbitprint, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, cat: most original: main: 2007, author: luc court, sotto voce